Cultural Development

When a child born in society he becomes part of our society. Culture is the main aspect of any society that teaches to live with a mutual corporation with each other. Culture is the social behaviour of any society which has its own trends and values. Every society has its own way of living life and lifestyle. Culture focus on the knowledge of ethics, norms, traditions etc. The success of any culture is based on modern inventions of society. It plays a very important role in the development of the culture; both interconnected with each other. Education teaches about social and cultural values.

Purpose of Culture:

  • Culture always being used at a wide range in any society by the group of different people.
  • Culture always tell about to live life happily without any fear.
  • Culture progress when the time change and keep forward with the passage of the time.
  • Culture always try to fulfil the needs of all people.
  • Culture gives equal chance and opportunities for all the member of the society.

Change in Culture:

Culture is the social change of any character in society. When the child is born in any society after his birth, he learns the teachings of his parents and adopts it with the passage of time. Culture is transmitted from one generation to another generation because a child always learns the behaviour of their elders. Culture is one of the most authentic that is learned in society.